Perivale Park – Contributing to the Queen’s Green Canopy on Platinum Jubilee day.

On Jubilee day, June 2, 2022, we capture the park with the new Walnut tree planted by Ealing May Councillor Munir Ahmed in March as a contribution to the Queen’s Green Canopy. It is looking very healthy indeed!

In the last four years or so a great many trees have been planted in the park. In some areas essentially all the trees planted have survived whilst in other areas, perhaps less accessible to watering from tankers, they have now gone. But no doubt the Walnut will be well looked after, and who knows in 20 years time we will be gathering walnuts from its branches!

Oh, and the buttercup meadow, originally a lawn tennis court, looks better every year.  This year in particular has been a good one for buttercups.

One Reply to “Perivale Park – Contributing to the Queen’s Green Canopy on Platinum Jubilee day.”

  1. A year on, after a hot summer last year, the walnut tree planted above does not seem to have survived well. It has dropped a rather weak display of spring leaves already, and although the trunk is not yet dead, it does not look in good shape. Part of the reason is the relative scarcity of rain and the lack of any other watering of the newly planted tree.

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