Perivale Park: outreach around the world.

Since the first post in 2017 four years ago, some 245 stories, often accompanied by lots of photos, have appeared here. I thought it might be fun to show the demographics of how a little park in west London is reaching the world.

This next analysis is of the most popular posts, of which the Nicky Hopkins bench is the current front-runner, followed by the original post that started this project!

Google maps: When uploading a photo of a place,  Google lets you know how many views it attracts. The  47 such photos of the park  in 15 different places uploaded by myself  have to date attracted 695,100 such views from around the world.

What we do not know of course is how many of these virtual visits have subsequently been accompanied by walking around the actual park. If anyone out there has done that, we would love to hear from you.

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