Spring bulb planting in the park.

The  Bulbs for London project, together with  Richard Spencer-Smith, have come up trumps with two large boxes of spring bulbs delivered on Tuesday. At very short notice, I managed to persuade two members of the “Red Green” park group to come along and help us plant  some of them on the Wednesday.

As you can see, we decided to use the four raised beds in the orchard for the planting; the soil there is very soft and they are, well, “raised” to avoid back ache! Remember to come along in the spring to see the result. After two hours we took a rest, but also managed to plant daffodils around the base of the eight crab apple trees, and in-between the roses in the rose bed. A few packets of unplanted bulbs were taken away for later planting by much younger volunteers (1-6 years old!) , so we might see more appearing in unexpected places as well.

Also spotted this mistletoe growing high up on a tree in the park. But the location of the tree will be closely guarded. Lets hope it survives!

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