Dandelions – a stunning spring flower!

Every year, it seems one flower or plant in particular is favoured by the conditions.  Dare I say it, this year it is Tulips and – yes Dandelions.

Note also one mystery resolved. A few months back a seemingly ancient concrete bench appeared next to our ponds. A small label at the base suggests it comes from Ronda University in Barcelona, and made by https://www.escofet.com, a company around since 1886! We owe its placement next to the ponds to our good park friend Dave (the “digger”). He had noted in had been in the adjacent depot for years, apparently awaiting relocation. It now is (relocated) and greatly appreciated by people passing through the park, especially after a good scrub to remove years of accumulated coverings! Could we have more please!!

As for the tulips, they are coming up very nicely in the raised beds in the orchard and should be at their peak in about a week. As I have noted previously, our park seems to be about 2-3 weeks behind the rest of the country in terms of flowerings. The tulips should also coincide with the Crab apples in the orchard, which are also now blooming nicely as they always do.

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