Great to see … footpath repairs, frittilaries and marsh marigolds

Out and about today (very strange weather, one minute blue skies and sunny, the next driving wind and snow), we spotted a wonderful marsh marigold. There will be many more to come, but this one is the first large one seen this year.

Next, the footpath close to the ponds. This was damaged when the final pond next to the playground was dug out in late 2020 and has now been made good. The next rains will show if the flooding along this path has been sorted.

And finally the snake’s head frittilaries, that appear to like it in the home next to the park entrance from the A40. They were the first major communal bulb planting we undertook. The remainder of that planting, wood anemonies, snowdrops and bluebells have largely vanished.

And now for another view – Kew Gardens, including the  Wood anemonies, which were planted in  Perivale Park but have not survived.

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