Perivale Park Golf club Cafe – use it or loose it!

>The Ealing Parks Foundation had its second meeting this year this last Thursday, with twelve people present. Here I list some bullet points emerging from the discussions, mostly relating to Perivale Park. They are from my own notes, and are not formal minutes!

  1. The Golf course adjacent to the park will be closed from the start of June, when it will become a new designated Ealing park (one of ten new parks promised by the current local council administration).
  2. The formal opening of this new park has been delayed because of the pending general election, but is expected some time in June/July.
  3. The name of the new park is currently being debated, including by a local school. Any bets on it being “Brentside River Park”?
  4. In the near future (3-4 weeks) around 4-6 litter bins and a similar number of benches will be installed. Access routes for contractors emptying the bins are being discussed with GEL.
  5. Ealing Parks were asked if the building associated with the Golf clubhouse and cafe might be converted into a council depot – and this was firmly denied, for the short term at least.
  6. The Cafe associated up to now with the Golf Club will remain open until the end of September, after which its status will be reassessed based on how much use it has had. Hence “use it or loose it“. I urge everyone who uses the park on either an occasional or a regular basis to pop into the cafe and refresh themselves.
  7. The signs in the park area pointing to the Cafe/Golf pavilion will remain for the time being, but it would be useful to put up some really big signs around the park to alert walkers to the fact that currently at least, the Cafe will remain open for business.
  8. The car parks associated with the Staying Active and Cafe area will remain.
  9. The plan to build a new bridge across the Brent joining the Gurnell area and Longfield meadows is still on. This would be part of the proposal to improve paths and access along the whole area of the proposed new regional park between Horsenden Hill in the north and currently Long Wood in the south.
  10. Inspection of Perivale Park to renew its Green Flag status (required every two years and first granted two years ago now) has already taken place and the result will be announced in September.
  11. New wetlands continue to be created in Ealing. Those at Glade park will be impressive when finished  (shortly?)  and mention was also made of projects in Belvue and Lammas parks. The hope has been expressed on this site that the new Park will also contain wetlands!
  12. For anyone hoping to join the Capital ring walk (along which route Perivale park lies)  by travelling to Hanwell station on the Elizabeth line, I gather that there are discussions to increase the number of Elizabeth line trains stopping there from 4 to 6 an hour.
  13. A question was asked about the status of  a new playground on the site of the recently refurbished Ealing Central  Sports Ground (on the other side of the  A40 and slightly to the east of  Perivale  park). Later this year was the answer!
  14. A question was asked about how the  Biodiversity in the new park would be measured, now that parts of it are being “rewilded”. Funding applications for such a project are currently being considered, along with designation as a SINC or Site of Importance for Nature Conservation.


A business park with the name Brentside park can be found on eg Google maps searches, but its current status is unknown. There is currently a soft sandy footpath connecting Perivale Park with the adjacent golf course. When a contractor’s truck drove along this path a few years ago, the path was badly damaged and to this day that area still floods with rains. The minutes of the meeting will no doubt show the official response.

One Reply to “Perivale Park Golf club Cafe – use it or loose it!”

  1. Perivale Park Golf club Cafe – use it or loose it!

    Well now it’s time to loose it! Perivale Park Golf club Cafe closed on December 20th. Even less reason for people to visit what is now a nondescript hardly visited overgrown wasteland that hardly deserves the title of park.

    The whole closure of Perivale Park Golf course has been a kick in the teeth for working people who lost an affordable leisure facility that was particularly popular with elderly and disabled golfers.

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