Time we thought to revisit the Beaver sanctuary, in Paradise fields. It has been raining a lot and so Coston’s Brook, which feeds the pond where the beavers are established should be and indeed was flowing well. The beavers themselves, which are largely nocturnal, are not expected to be out and about. So that they can be observed, there are a number of remote cameras, which capture their activities. There is a dam across the brook, but whether a “helping hand” from humans has contributed, or whether it is fully the work of the beavers themselves I am not certain.
This video shows the stream just before it enters the main pond. The water certainly does look crystal clear!
This video shows where the beaver lake is drained, into what we now know is one (the main?) source of Coston’s brook. The stream feeding the ponds originates from a culvert just north of the ponds, having passed under the canal in a siphon and may well flow down directly from Horsenden Hill. Or it may come from a culvert to the west of the area. Again, to be established.
Sadly some lowlife has stolen one of the trail cameras a couple of days ago as reported by Sean. It’s great the Beavers have settled in so well in their new abode.