Friends of Perivale Park: Annual General Meeting, Monday 18th March, 2024 at 19.30.

Please Note. Due to a clash with an Ealing Council meeting on 5th March, the AGM has been rescheduled for Monday 19th March.

Our fourth AGM will take place on Monday 19th March, using a virtual call. If you  want a copy of the Chair’s report to peruse and a link to join our meeting, please send an email to or scan the QR code below. Its your chance to ask us questions, to suggest things to do or generally make comments about the park! Even if you only have five minutes, do drop in, or stay for the duration (which is normally < 40 minutes or so). Help to contribute to this wonderful space with ideas for the next year. Or just to hear about what is (or may be) happening in the area over the coming year. Tell your friends as well!

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